Mining is one of the most damaging to the environment

Those who are in charge of mining in Rwanda are always reminded that they must correct the mistakes they make in their profession by complying with the mining law that protects the environment.

Although there are regulations for mining, some miners do not follow them and have sometimes been killed by mines.

In 2019, when the CEO of the Mines, Oil and Gas Agency, visited a mining cooperative called COMIKAGI, operating in the Ruli Sector in Gakenke District, he said that about 50 people have died in the mines. precious stones.

In May 2024, 15 people were trapped in a mine, five of them died in Gatwa Village, Kazirabonde Cell in Ngamba Sector in Kamonyi.

Officials always remind the people that mining without a license is a crime punishable by law because they often dig in the state forest and damage the trees.

Article 72 of the Law No. 064/2021 of 14/10/2021 regulating the ecosystem provides that without prejudice to the provisions of other laws, an individual carrying out mineral exploration or mining of value and quarry in a hard place becomes a criminal.

If convicted by the court, he shall be punished with imprisonment of not less than one (1) year but not more than three (3) years and a fine of not less than five million Rwandan francs (5,000,000 FRW) but not more than seven million Rwandan francs (7,000,000 FRW).

If the crime referred to in the first paragraph of this article is committed in a National Park or an uninvited natural area, the punishment will be imprisonment of not less than three (3) years but not more than five (5) years and a fine of Not less than seven million Rwandan francs (7,000,000 FRW) but not more than ten million Rwandan francs (10,000,000 FRW).

Captone Uwitonze

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