Agricultural investors in Nyagatare District were disappointed
It is known that the areas containing the soil of the volcanoes and those of the high mountains near Nyungwe are the ones where potatoes are grown and there is a good yield. The soil of the soil is very expensive so some farmers have moved their activities to the Eastern Province, especially in the Eastern Province. Nyagatare district because there is land equivalent to a hectare for two hundred thousand francs per agricultural season.
In this regard, some of the potato farmers near the volcanoes like Cyanika, Gahunga and Rugarama have decided to move their activities to the Nyagatare region because they found that the potato seed from Kenya, which they already grow, is suitable for the land of Nyagatare.
One of the farmers from this area who moved his activities to Nyagatare district told Gasabo newspaper that in the last 2 years things have been very good for them and they are making profit and that is why in this season they have increased their investment in this agriculture.
He said: “These 2 years have been very good for us so that the production per hectare could reach 20 tons, our income was so high that you could invest 2 million and earn 2 more per season, which led this year to increase the cultivated area and stimulate and our relatives to participate in this agriculture in this region that has cheap and clean land”.
His friend, who came to Nyagatare, was also attracted by this agriculture and said that because of the profits they were getting from this agriculture, they planned to further develop this agriculture.
He said: “Potato farming requires a lot of resources, including good seeds for planting, fertilizers and pesticides, as well as workers who have to take care of this crop, which is why many of us wanted to be able to do it. , others go to the banks so that we can participate in this cultivation in a satisfactory way and we also believe in the high profits from this agriculture.”
Those investors in agriculture say that they were fooled by the little rain that fell at the beginning of the ninth month and they immediately attacked, and it ended without any more rain.
One said: “All of us had prepared this season for the cultivation of potatoes, seeds, seeds, fertilizers, we have prepared and we have finished preparing the fields where we will grow potatoes, so the first rain fell we immediately planted the seeds, we hope that the rain will continue to fall as usual. it was common in other years”
The investor continued: “After that we did not plant the seeds, we waited for the rain and gave up, but the intense sun continues to burn so that the seeds we planted in the ground could not survive after a whole month. At the moment, I can see from more than seven million francs that I have invested in, all of them will be lost. because even the few we were able to grow, we immediately watered it, so I saw that the project of growing potatoes for me ended here.”
Some farmers have moved their activities to Nyagatare region, and they believe that what made them produce seeds is the confidence they continue to receive from those who have been affected by the weather forecast in our country.
Although the Government of Rwanda in the weather forecast service (RSA), does not miss out to Rwandans how the weather is predicted in terms of temperature and rain but sometimes it does not meet as well as the public wants.
Captone Uwitonze
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